This file contains editable Matlab code for general GP algorithms for rotation. See "" for a discussion of these. ------------------------------------------------------------ The general GP algorithm for orthogonal rotation. ------------------------------------------------------------ function [Th,table]=GPorth(T) al=1; table=[]; for iter=0:500 [f,G]=vgf(T); M=T'*G; S=(M+M')/2; Gp=G-T*S; s=norm(Gp,'fro'); table=[table;iter f log10(s) al]; if s<10^(-5),break,end al=2*al; for i=0:10 X=T-al*Gp; [U,D,V]=svd(X,0); Tt=U*V'; [ft,Gt]=vgf(Tt); if ft<f-.5*s^2*al,break,end al=al/2; end T=Tt; end Th=T; ------------------------------------------------------------ Subroutine for the value and gradient of f for quartimax rotation. ------------------------------------------------------------ function [f,G]=vgf(T) global A L=A*T; L2=L.^2; f=-sum(sum(L2.*L2)); G=-A'*(L.*L2); ------------------------------------------------------------ Example of quartimax rotation for the box problem. ------------------------------------------------------------ global A A=[ .659 -.736 .138 .725 .180 -.656 .665 .537 .500 .869 -.209 -.443 .834 .182 .508 .836 .519 .152 .856 -.452 -.269 .848 -.426 .320 .861 .416 -.299 .880 -.341 -.354 .889 -.417 .436 .875 .485 -.093 .667 -.725 .109 .717 .246 -.619 .634 .501 .522 .936 .257 .165 .966 -.239 -.083 .625 -.720 .166 .702 .112 -.650 .664 .536 .488 ]; T=eye(3); [T,table]=GPorth(T); table L=A*T ------------------------------------------------------------ Output from the quartimax box problem. ------------------------------------------------------------ table = 0 -10.7152 -0.7427 1.0000 1.0000 -11.4092 -0.1290 2.0000 2.0000 -12.7124 -0.0046 2.0000 3.0000 -13.7183 -0.1260 1.0000 4.0000 -14.1837 -0.7702 0.5000 5.0000 -14.2016 -1.1859 0.5000 6.0000 -14.2042 -1.5949 0.5000 7.0000 -14.2046 -2.0028 0.5000 8.0000 -14.2046 -2.4107 0.5000 9.0000 -14.2046 -2.8185 0.5000 10.0000 -14.2046 -3.2263 0.5000 11.0000 -14.2046 -3.6341 0.5000 12.0000 -14.2046 -4.0419 0.5000 13.0000 -14.2046 -4.4497 0.5000 14.0000 -14.2046 -4.8575 0.5000 15.0000 -14.2046 -5.2653 0.5000 L = 0.0105 -0.9934 -0.0899 0.1585 -0.1673 -0.9671 0.9823 -0.0950 -0.0819 0.1250 -0.5971 -0.7893 0.8696 -0.4716 -0.0904 0.8757 -0.1410 -0.4523 0.0679 -0.8114 -0.5886 0.4067 -0.9079 -0.1157 0.5771 -0.1424 -0.8065 0.1013 -0.7233 -0.6946 0.5001 -0.9497 -0.0468 0.7413 -0.1403 -0.6636 0.0056 -0.9838 -0.1200 0.2142 -0.1194 -0.9474 0.9551 -0.1083 -0.0392 0.7823 -0.4054 -0.4393 0.3627 -0.7531 -0.5463 0.0163 -0.9662 -0.0521 0.1077 -0.2067 -0.9346 0.9744 -0.0926 -0.0908 ------------------------------------------------------------ The general GP algorithm for oblique rotation. ------------------------------------------------------------ function [T,table]=GPoblq(T) al=1; table=[]; for iter=0:500 [f,G]=vgf(T); Gp=G-T*diag(sum(T.*G)); s=norm(Gp,'fro'); table=[table;iter f log10(s) al]; if s<10^(-5),break,end al=2*al; for i=0:10 X=T-al*Gp; v=1./sqrt(sum(X.^2)); Tt=X*diag(v); [ft,Gt]=vgf(Tt); if ft<f-.5*s^2*al,break,end al=al/2; end T=Tt; end ------------------------------------------------------------ Subroutine for the value and gradient of f for quartimin rotation. ------------------------------------------------------------ function [f,G]=vgf(T) global A [p,k]=size(A); Ti=inv(T); L=A*Ti'; L2=L.^2; N=ones(k,k)-eye(k); f=sum(sum(L2.*(L2*N)))/4; Gq=L.*(L2*N); G=-(L'*Gq*Ti)'; ------------------------------------------------------------ Example of quartimin rotation for the box problem. ------------------------------------------------------------ global A A=[ .659 -.736 .138 .725 .180 -.656 .665 .537 .500 .869 -.209 -.443 .834 .182 .508 .836 .519 .152 .856 -.452 -.269 .848 -.426 .320 .861 .416 -.299 .880 -.341 -.354 .889 -.417 .436 .875 .485 -.093 .667 -.725 .109 .717 .246 -.619 .634 .501 .522 .936 .257 .165 .966 -.239 -.083 .625 -.720 .166 .702 .112 -.650 .664 .536 .488 ]; T=eye(3); [T,table]=GPoblq(T); table L=A*inv(T') phi=T'*T ------------------------------------------------------------ Output from the quartimin box problem. ------------------------------------------------------------ table = 0 2.2302 -0.4516 1.0000 1.0000 2.2252 -0.6220 0.0625 2.0000 2.2180 -0.4889 0.1250 3.0000 2.1911 -0.1595 0.2500 4.0000 2.1581 -0.0039 0.1250 5.0000 2.1142 -0.0835 0.0625 6.0000 2.0236 0.0222 0.1250 7.0000 1.7587 0.2225 0.2500 8.0000 1.5699 0.2473 0.1250 9.0000 1.4333 0.0518 0.0625 10.0000 1.2947 -0.0694 0.1250 11.0000 1.1727 -0.1621 0.2500 12.0000 1.0062 0.1060 0.5000 13.0000 0.8992 -0.1121 0.1250 14.0000 0.8463 -0.2186 0.1250 15.0000 0.7892 -0.2114 0.2500 16.0000 0.7654 -0.4110 0.1250 17.0000 0.7529 -0.5741 0.1250 18.0000 0.7430 -0.6098 0.2500 19.0000 0.7404 -0.9247 0.0625 20.0000 0.7391 -1.0954 0.1250 21.0000 0.7381 -1.2459 0.2500 22.0000 0.7379 -1.5369 0.0625 23.0000 0.7379 -1.7207 0.1250 24.0000 0.7378 -1.8828 0.2500 25.0000 0.7378 -2.1907 0.0625 26.0000 0.7378 -2.3817 0.1250 27.0000 0.7378 -2.5165 0.2500 28.0000 0.7378 -2.8518 0.0625 29.0000 0.7378 -3.0489 0.1250 30.0000 0.7378 -3.1464 0.2500 31.0000 0.7378 -3.5115 0.0625 32.0000 0.7378 -3.7155 0.1250 33.0000 0.7378 -3.9017 0.1250 34.0000 0.7378 -4.0678 0.2500 35.0000 0.7378 -4.3798 0.0625 36.0000 0.7378 -4.5713 0.1250 37.0000 0.7378 -4.6980 0.2500 38.0000 0.7378 -5.0412 0.0625 L = -0.0996 -1.0236 0.0171 -0.0071 0.0428 -1.0100 1.0129 0.0332 0.0504 -0.0548 -0.4493 -0.7723 0.8563 -0.3740 0.0694 0.8356 0.0487 -0.3604 -0.1029 -0.7227 -0.5375 0.3221 -0.8817 0.0312 0.4628 0.0852 -0.7838 -0.0766 -0.6043 -0.6583 0.4278 -0.9289 0.1229 0.6594 0.0772 -0.6073 -0.1088 -1.0080 -0.0174 0.0595 0.0956 -0.9868 0.9899 0.0072 0.0947 0.7137 -0.2427 -0.3283 0.2203 -0.6354 -0.4597 -0.0847 -1.0022 0.0557 -0.0592 -0.0113 -0.9769 1.0034 0.0365 0.0394 phi = 1.0000 -0.2568 -0.3216 -0.2568 1.0000 0.3366 -0.3216 0.3366 1.0000